Design courses may also be valuable for sales and operations staff. All design courses include:
- Pre-training call with customer
- Optional course tailoring* to customer needs
- Printed course handouts
- Additional worksheets or handouts where indicated with
* Course tailoring may include minor modifications such as referencing 1 or 2 specific examples from a client or referencing features of a specific printer model. Deeper customization for specific clients can be handled as a custom training program.
DS-01 Transpromo Design for Inkjet
Half day courses for up to 10 attendees
This course is focused on inkjet-specific design issues and cognitive drivers of response to messaging. Examples of good and bad transactional document design will be shown and explained, including a real-time review and discussion of in-house samples with recommendations for improvement. Designers will be educated on or reminded of need-to-know operational constraints and technical best-practices.
Primary Target Audience: Graphic designers at transaction print shops.
Pre-Course Work: Pre-class survey of attendees for level of color theory knowledge.
- Printed course handouts
- Transpromo Design Checklist
DS-02 Optimizing Direct Mail for Inkjet
Half day course for up to 10 attendees
This course is focused on inkjet-specific design issues and cognitive drivers of response to messaging. Examples of good and bad direct mail design will be shown and explained. This course is intended as an “operational design” session as opposed to a marketing seminar or primer on design basics. It assumes previous familiarity with design tools such Adobe InDesign or Quark.
This course also includes:
- Review of substrates and finishing,
- Tradeoffs between using partial pre-print and full digital production (analog vs. digital),
- Overview of technical compatibility requirements for multi-channel campaigns, (QR, PURL, etc.)
Primary Target Audience: Graphic designers at direct mail print shops.
- Printed course handouts
- Direct Mail Design Checklist